Getting By Is Good, Brilliant Is Better
If you had the chance to paint a brilliant picture of your life, what would it look like? What is your dream life? You may have achieved great things, but you continue to seek progress and improvement. For you, remaining still just won’t do.
You might not yet know it, but you have all the tools inside of you to build a better life. You might be surprised to learn that reaching the level of fulfillment and abundance you desire can actually be an invigorating and life-giving experience. It doesn’t have to be a struggle. It shouldn’t be. It should be fun! The DreamBuilder® Program is a proven scientific system that works. It will help take you from good, to exceptional, faster and more easily than you’ve imagined possible!
Lessons, Principles, And Benefits
A 12-week, online program that helps you take your dream and bring it to life by giving you brushes to paint your life, and tools to build your life. Whether it be more money, deeper love, stronger relationships, more fulfilling career, or better in health, mind and body; the DreamBuilder® Program is for you. This program is delivered by owner and CEO of The Brave Thinking Institute, Mary Morrissey. It is facilitated and coached by Kim Brownlee.

Program Description
This Uplifting Program Is Guided By Two Inspirational Leaders:

Mary Morrissey
Founder of Brave Thinking Institute
Kim Brownlee
Founder and CEO of Women and Confidence
With two industry icons delivering the program material, Kim Brownlee brings the content together with her empowering skills to coach the material. Having done the programs herself and being certified as a Consultant of the material, Kim Brownlee is an amazing mastery at guiding you to achieving the results you’ve dreamt of all your life.